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24 Bedford Place, Brighton, BN1 2PT, UK 01273 737721

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Event: Saturday 1st May 2010. 7pm - Al Medinah Mosque Brighton

Saturday 1st May 2010. 7pm - Al Medinah Mosque Brighton

"By the oath of time, Man is in a state of loss indeed.." Al-Qur'aan Ch103/V1&2

A spiritually uplifting talk by Shaykh Hasan Ali on the deeper understanding of time.

Senior Imam London Islamic Cultural Society (LICS)
Director Safar academy North London
Sisters welcome. Food will be served after the talk.
On this day only Asr Will be at 6:30pm

Friday, April 16, 2010

Muslims!- Get out and vote!

An amusing, yet thought provoking video!

Aint no gangsters in paradise!

Event at Langley Green Mosque with Murtaza Khan, Muslim Belal and others. Sunday 25th April 2010, after Asr prayer.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Brighton sponsored walk raises £3,000 for Haiti orphans

More than a hundred youngsters in Brighton have helped raise up to £3,000 for children orphaned by January’s earthquake in Haiti.
The children, aged between five and 15, took part in a sponsored 4.3-mile (6.9km) walk from Brighton Marina to the Hove Lagoons on Sunday.
The event was organised by the Muslim community in Brighton and Hove to raise funds for the Islamic Relief charity.
Every child that took part in the walk was awarded a medal at the finish line.
Sabri Ben-Ameur, who helped organise the charity walk, said the event was well supported by all sections of the community in Brighton and Hove.
He added: “It went extremely well, better than expected.”